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Level 3 First Aid | What You Need To Know

Level 3 first aid is a classification system that denotes the level of care a patient will receive from a first responder or medical professional. This system is important because it helps ensure that patients receive the appropriate level of care based on their individual needs. Here's a closer look at what level 3 care entails.

What Are the Different Levels of First Aid?

In Canada, there are three levels of first aid:

  • Level 1: Basic First Aid
  • Level 2: Advanced First Aid
  • Level 3: Emergency First Aid

Each level provides a different level of care and is designed to meet the needs of patients with different medical conditions.

What is Level 3 First Aid?

Level 3 first aid is the most comprehensive level of care and is typically provided by paramedics or other medical professionals. This type of care includes everything from basic life support to more advanced treatments and procedures, like cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs).

Level 3 first aid is appropriate for patients with serious or life-threatening injuries or illnesses. This type of care is typically only necessary in emergency situations. If you are ever in doubt about the level of care a patient needs, it is always best to err on the side of caution and provide the highest level of care possible.

What Are the Benefits of Level 3 First Aid?

There are many benefits to receiving level 3 first aid, including:

Difference between life and death

Perhaps the most obvious benefit is that it can save your life. Prevent further injury. In some cases, level 3 care can help prevent further injury by immobilizing the patient or providing relief from pain.


Level 3 care can also help calm patients experiencing anxiety or fear. Calming a patient's anxiety is particularly important in emergency situations because it can help them remain still while vital lifesaving measures are being performed.

Is Level 3 First Aid Available for Non-Medical Professionals?

CPR training for laypeople has become increasingly prevalent in recent years, which means that more people can provide Level 3 first aid care in an emergency. While not everyone will be comfortable performing CPR or using an AED, just knowing how to react in an emergency can be extremely helpful.

Level 3 first aid training courses are widely available and relatively affordable, so there's really no excuse not to be prepared. In fact, if your office has an AED, there should be at least one person on staff that knows how to use it.

It's important to know what Level 3 first aid is and how it can benefit you in an emergency situation. If you don't already have the training, consider taking a course so that you're prepared in the event of an emergency.

For more information on level 3 first aid, contact a professional near you.
